I love beginnings love stargirl quote
I love beginnings love stargirl quote

i love beginnings love stargirl quote

Stargirl writes in her letters about old people from Mica High School back in Arizona with encounters that happen to her in Pennsylvania.

i love beginnings love stargirl quote

One day Dootsie takes Stargirl to her neighbor Betty Lou’s house to find out that Betty Lou has not been out of her house for over 9 years because she is afraid of the world outside her house. Alvina is this mean girl that loves to beat up boys and if she could she would kill them all and also has one pink glittery nail that she just loves. One day she sent her to Margie’s Doughnut Shop and that is were she saw Perry stealing a doughnut and that is also were she met Alvina. Her mom would send her to little fieldtrip’s and she couldn’t come home until she had written a poem about that one place or something that relates to it. Stargirl was being home schooled by her mom when they moved out to Pennsylvania and missing Leo and all the people back in Arizona she wrote letter’s to Leo about her days in her writing classes. Stargirl loved having her company after a while. Even though Dootsie is jus a little five year old thinking she is thirty and can do pretty much anything.

i love beginnings love stargirl quote

And from that moment on Dootsie and Stargirl had become best friends. While meditating out in the field Dootsie came up by her all cheerful and happy asking her what she was doing while Dootsie’s mom was apologizing to her. As she meditated there and found out that this field was really not empty at all and that nothing In or on this universe was really “empty“. At the Beginning of the novel Stargirl begins with writing a letter telling Leo about the enchanted plain field she had found that morning. This book was all of the many diary entries Stargirl wrote in the course of a year or a little longer. In the novel Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli taking place not even a year apart from the first novel Stargirl also by Jerry Spinelli is written out to be the world‘s longest letter by Stargirl.

I love beginnings love stargirl quote